Our collaborations

We have been fortunate enough to collaborate on some great projects with fantastic people. Recent collaborations include work with Lucy Aplin and colleagues on conformity and culture in great tits and Amanda Ridley and Ben Ashton and at the University of Western Australia on sociality and cognition in Australian Magpies.

Alex also spent many years working at the Kalahari Meerkat Project, established by Tim Clutton-Brock and now run by Marta Manser. Alex’s research at the project has examined social learning and development, the evolution of teaching and the establishment of traditions. You can learn more about this work, and about cultural evolution in general, here.

  • Katherine McAuliffe, Boston College

    Nichola Raihani, UCL

    Neeltje Boogert, Exeter

    Amanda Ridley, University of Western Australia

    Nicky Clayton, Cambridge

    Tim Clutton-Brock, Cambridge

    Marta Manser, Zurich

    Will Hoppitt, RHUL

    Kevin Laland, St Andrews

    Lucy Aplin, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology

    Dieter Lukas, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

  • Nicholas Ouellette, Stanford

    Richard Vaughan, Simon Fraser University

    Steve Portugal, RHUL

  • Sasha Dall, Exeter

    John McNamara, Bristol

  • Katherine McAuliffe, Boston College

    Christine Caldwell, Stirling

    Francesca Happé, King’s College London

    Alex Mesoudi, Exeter